
Friday, 19 February 2016

A good brother

A good brother is like they say nice words, help should try to help,nice words,Play proper games not fighting games its bad to play fighting.A person protect you.A brother will always be there for you if your in trouble.What about you do you got something for your brother like help them,Play games,have a chat a nice chat.

2.My brother got kind words, supporting words,he tells me the right direction to go,tell's me to say right words to people.Helps me to do my chords.

Friday, 12 February 2016

Room 1 home class

In room 1 we are learning how to ruler our books.I explain ruler our books is very important to keep our books clean. Yesterday we were learning Intro: Statistics The study of gathering and analysing data. My class is room 1 Mr Wiseman and I'm looking forward to do fiafia and swimming does the thing that I'm looking forward too.
This is my class room 1

This is my teacher Mr Wiseman
The study of gathering and analysing data.  

The study of gathering and analysing data.  

The study of gathering and analysing data.