Wesleyadaptation from Team 4 Pes on Vimeo.
Thursday, 10 December 2015
Wesley end of yea reflection.
This year I was in Mr goodwin home class 6.We had 3 teachers and that included Mr Somerville and Miss Lavakula in the first year it was fun.
My favourite subject about reading is finishing our reading activities.I like about reading is reading book’s and going on the mat.My other favourite about literacy is going on reading eggs and elearning.
This year I enjoy writing because we get to write anything that we go on trips.Writing is so fun you can imagine that you're outta space that way cool.
I like maths the most because we learn about our division and timetables that cool to do it.We can even do XtraMaths and Maths whizz it’s fun but sometime it get’s hard.
My favourite Inquiry is trade and enterprise.I like trade and enterprise because we get into our business groups and making our products. At the market day we get heaps of money from our teacher but not real money..
I feel really happy that I learn about everything that I never learn before.
Wednesday, 2 December 2015
Tuesday, 1 December 2015
Camp bentzon
Have you ever been to Kawau island before?well guess what the year 6 campers went to Kawau island it was so much fun over there.On the first day we went hiking ten seconds later everybody was so tired walking up the hill.
My favorite part is playing spotlight at night I was in the bush hiding.I got caught from Alfa’s dad at the bush.But I toke off two seconds later I got spot By John’s dad.Then when it was 9:30 we went to sleep ,In my cabin I got Chyrus,John amor,Chris,and Noah.At night we had marshmallow it was so sweet and soft.
Then on Thursday we went for a run up the hills.It was so hard but I jog the whole way then I made it.After that we had breakfast we have cereal and have hot choclate it was yum.After that we went back to the deck to get ready to brush our teeth and wash our face then got change.In the afternoon Mr Jacobson said we would do jumping off the whraf it was so deep.Everybody at the pond saw a stingray they were all scared. At night we have dinner and dessert it is so delicious and yummy.
In the morning on Friday it was our last day of camp.The activities that we did is bush baseball,touch,volleyball,and swimming they were so fun.My favourtie part is playing bush baseball cause I got a home run.Then is was swap over I was back stop.After that we went to touch.Me John,Chris,Hosea,and Talita was doing all the playing.
After when we were done touch it was time to go back on the ferry boat to go home and saying goodbye to Erin and Tim.Mr Somerville said that we would see dolhins and killer whale.But he was lieing and I sang a song for him.’why you always lieing’.And everybody and even Mr Goodwin was laughing and the parents helper’s was laughing too.
When we got to sandspit we had 5 minute to have lunch.The lunch that we had was a lolly stick and a apple and sandwich.After our 5 minute up we went on the bus and went back when we were going I fell asleep the whole way back to school.
Monday, 30 November 2015
Wesley catching mustelid.
Wednesday, 25 November 2015
Wesley Food chain
Monday, 23 November 2015
Monday, 16 November 2015
Tuesday, 10 November 2015
Wesley diamante poems
Thursday, 5 November 2015
Wesey NZ birds
A one type of New Zealand parrots is called kakapo.
Habitat:Kakapo lives in Whenua Hou And also Codfish.Near Stewart Island in the South island.Whenua is a island that a treasure.
What’s it eats:Kakapo eat fruits seeds bark and leaves.
What’s it eats:Kakapo eat fruits seeds bark and leaves.
Wesley e-AsTTle Writing Test - October
“Hey have ever eat a weetbix and a cream before .That’s yuak to eat it.
Hi this is a competition that we have to eat a weet bix and a cream on it.It tase yuak with the apple my panther was Emmanuel.He has to try and feed me by useing he’s hands behind me.On the thrid I have to feed Emmanuel And he like the cream and weet bix together.
My favourite part when Josh didn’t like the weet bix with the cream.Miss Lavakula told josh to spit it out.Joshua’s mouth was covered with white stuff in his hole mouth.”You know jonathan he cheated and kosini’ didn't even help to feed him.
At the end of the game we need to go into our literacy class and watch the video the game we were playing.After the video we talk all about the challenge it was hard to play.I wish Team 4 could do it again.
I felt really excited to play a game like that before.
Monday, 19 October 2015
Wesley holiday highlight.
Walt: Recount our favourite part about the Holidays
Introduction:In the holidays I went to Samoa to see my grandmother.I was born in Savai'I because that where my mum lives.
In Savai’I I saw my cousin BJ. BJ was doing his training before his tournament.When he saw me he said “Talofa lava Wesley,how are you?” I replied malo wiafafeitae.
In the first week I went to BJ’s rugby tournament against the other team’s the score was 2 10.Then after that we go to Mcdonald's. I drank a big frozen coke it was so hot.
Then we were going to Australia to see my auntie Alisa.
In ozzy I stayed at my auntie’s house with my cousins their names are Joe And Futa. We were playing on joe's xboxs 360 the game that we was playing saint’s row the third it was cool we get to do cheats. The first mission was killing the cops.
When I was in Australia my auntie took me to burger king I had hot chips and a burger.It was yum my favourite burger was the bomb.
Thursday, 15 October 2015
Wesley Takapu
Walt: Use the text to help us accurately answer questions
Wednesday, 14 October 2015
Wesley takapu
Walt: Use the text to help us accurately answer questions.Today marmite was learning about takapu.Takapu is a type of bird that holds there wings close to there body.So that they can dive into the water.
Friday, 25 September 2015
Wesley week 7 word ledge.
This is about what buzzy bees was learning about our word knowledge.
Wesley poem
Cross Country
windy, painful
Running, sprinting, sweating
Wesley finders keepers

Wednesday, 16 September 2015
Wesley eating worms,But it noodles
Walt: I am thinking about my purpose and reader by planning my
Yesterday we made worms. The flavour was chicken. They were noodles.
Yesterday we made worms. The flavour was chicken. They were noodles.
The noodles were like worms. Mrs Garden dropped the noodles in my mouth mmmm!\ noodles!!!!!!!!
When the worms dropped in my mouth it tasted like chicken noodles from the shops.
The noodles was so yum and I wanted to have some more.
I had another bowl of noodles because they looked like worms from the ground. The juice from the noodles came on to my face when Mrs Garden dropped the noodles in my mouth.
I was about to drink the juice from the noodles because it was yum and I tried to have another bowl.
Before we had some worms Angles and Joshua open the packet of noodles.
Nobody laugh
WALT: Infer and interpret the hidden message in the story
The main Idea was that Aiden was Excited about his new bag and his new school , When Aiden finished his running laps on the field the caretaker decided to replace the broken hooks. then The second main Idea was that the class started to argue about the bags because they got mix up. The
The main Idea was that Aiden was Excited about his new bag and his new school , When Aiden finished his running laps on the field the caretaker decided to replace the broken hooks. then The second main Idea was that the class started to argue about the bags because they got mix up. The
third main Idea was that worried and nervous because he didn't want the class to look inside his bag.
Wednesday, 9 September 2015
Friday, 4 September 2015
Word knowledge
You can see that the buzzy bees were learning about word knowledge.Word knowledge is like you have to find out that means.
Monday, 31 August 2015
Mr's wilding's potatoes
Walt: Infer and interpret the main ideas in the story
Trade and enterprise
Walt: Write introductions that orientate and hook in my audience
First try. Today team 4’s are learning about trade and enterprise.trade and enterprise is like buying stuff with money’s.

First try. Today team 4’s are learning about trade and enterprise.trade and enterprise is like buying stuff with money’s.
People buy stuff from a dairy shop or the warehouse.
With a? Today team 4’s are learning about trade and enterprise. Last Friday the custom stationery team was working hard to ordered some things that they want to buy till week 8. The people that just ordered have to pay $1 or $2.
With a! ‘I was thinking about something? This term team 4 is learning about trade and enterprize. We make some products that people could buy from team 4. it could be 1PT and 2PT.This term team 4 is learning about trade and enterprise. Trade and enterprise we have six groups that we were put in The groups are Homeware, Custom Stationery, Musical instruments,Kitchen,Toys and Jewels and accessories
Friday, 28 August 2015
Wesley buzzy bees word Knowledege
This is about something that you can check out these words.
Monday, 24 August 2015
Wesley can I afford it
Friday, 21 August 2015
Wesley Advice Column for Grasshopper
Walt: Infer and interpret the main ideas in the story.
Tuesday, 28 July 2015
Wesley Turei's Two Dollars
Walt: Order and retell the story again in your own words.
the first person that found the coin was Ruru.then Weta came along because Something round and shiny crashed into the grass beside him. Then he said what this? Then the kiwi came and noticed that something was moving in the Grass.Then he said this looks like dinner.Then the next thing was that the kiwi pick the coin up and tried to eat the coin but it was to hard.Then he dropped it and then the Kiore picked it up and said lovingly stroking the coin. “And it’s all mine.
Thursday, 2 July 2015
Mohua the kiwi
Walt Read new words and understand them using the context
Wednesday, 1 July 2015
WALT use similes to write a poem about ourselves.
Friday, 26 June 2015
Kiu and Ugauga
WALT: retell the story again in our own words
What happened at the beginning of the story? (one sentence)
Kiu was boasting to Ugauga how beautiful he is and he is the most beautiful bird on the island of Nui.
What happened in the middle of the story? (one sentence)
Ugauga starts the race earlier than Kiu and when it was the next morning Kiu couldn’t find Ugaugaso he starts the race.
What happened at the end of the story? (one sentence)
Ugauga won the race a Kuil and pusi told everybody on the island of Niue that Kiu lost to a slow crab and Kiu couldn’t stop crying
Wednesday, 24 June 2015
WALT use similes to write a poem about ourselves.
Friday, 19 June 2015
Goosebumps and butterflies
Walt Read new words and understand them using the context

Goosebumps is when your skin go up.and Butterflies when you laugh.
Goosebumps is when your skin go up.and Butterflies when you laugh.
Recount our experience of Basketball Walt: Write simple and complex sentences
Start your writing here:
This term we have been learning how play basketball.On Thursday after morning tea room six maths class go to basketball with Mr Goodwin.Mr Goodwin is a good basketball player
During the warm up we were doing some skills like shooting and dribbling the ball.During basketball we could play some games like golden child or a game could basketball. After the game I was huffing and puffing.
I enjoy doing the V dribble and defence because those are my favourite skills to do.I was feeling so confused that i don't know what we were playing.I was so grumpy that we lost one game of basketball.
Wednesday, 10 June 2015
Wesley Winter Is here
Walt Write an effective paragraph about winter in Auckland.
In Auckland during winter it was freezing and cold on the ground.I couldn't get out of bed because when we went outside it was foggy.Every time I breathed I could see a cloud of smoke.When I got change to my warm cloths. when I went outside I was so warm in my warm clothes.Everything was foggy and freezing I can’t see a thing.Even if I went outside I am coughing and it’s chilly.
In Auckland during winter it was freezing and cold on the ground.I couldn't get out of bed because when we went outside it was foggy.Every time I breathed I could see a cloud of smoke.When I got change to my warm cloths. when I went outside I was so warm in my warm clothes.Everything was foggy and freezing I can’t see a thing.Even if I went outside I am coughing and it’s chilly.
pigeon post.
We are learning to use cues in the text to help our understanding of new vocabulary
Answer the following questions:
- What have Pigeons been used for?
- pigeons are used to send messages around the world.
- Where did the first airmail service begin?
- in the ancient Egyptians.
- What did Walter Fricker do?
- Walter Fricker who kept the pigeon.
- How long did it take for the Pigeons to deliver messages from Great Barrier to Auckland? it take 100 kilometres away.
Monday, 8 June 2015
Wesley blindfold game
Recount our experience of the Blindfold GameWalt: Write simple and complex sentences
Have you played a blindfold game before well? guess what room 8 literacy group played a blindfold game. It was so fun to play a game like that before.
This is how you play the blindfold game there’s six bowls and just need 6 people to sit in front of the bowl.And you have to pick up 20 safety pins if the time run out you have to stop.And count how many you got.
When it was my turn I felt some safety pins then I pulled them out.It was fun to pulled the pins out when the time ran out.I got 3 pin that I got then it was the other people’s turn. then it was miss Lavakula and miss Williamson's turn.
My favourite part is when Miss Lavakula and Miss Williamson vs each other. Miss Lavakula got seven safety pin and Miss Williamson got 3 safety pins. All the kids was laughing so loud and it hurt my ears.
Friday, 5 June 2015
Wesley helping to win the war
WE are learning a story about helping to win the war.Is about New Zealand war and people are poor.
Friday, 29 May 2015
Wesley torty the lucky Tortoise
WALT: Read and understand new words.We are learning about torty the lucky Tortoise
Wesley Similes
Walt: Write simple and complex sentences using figure of speech:
Similes and Metaphors. We are learning about Similes.
Similes and Metaphors. We are learning about Similes.
Wednesday, 27 May 2015
skating at rainbow lake
I am learning to find the hidden messages in the text
Answer the following questions:
1. What was dad trying to do before he hurt his ankle?
Dad was doing some sleing when he hurt his ankle
2. How were they going to get dad back to the truck?
they help him to put him on the sled
3. Describe what did Ben and Mitch use to make the sled
they need some plastic sled to get to the track.
4. What is the main idea in the story?
The main story is when is a team work.
Write a paragraph to explain what this story is about
(What happened in the beginning? What was the problem? What was the solution?)
This story is about a family that is help dad to get back to the track.
Friday, 22 May 2015
Wesley little Adventure.
WALT: Read and find synonyms
Answer the following questions:
- Explain what ‘hiking’ is A hiking is where people camping and they have a long walked in the bush.
- When hiking, explain why it is important to stay on the track? List 3 reasons because they might get lost and they have to together and stay close to abby because she know the way to get there
- Why did the girls leave their banana peel by the trees?
- Why did Lucy rush off into the bush?
Wesley taniwha trouble
WALT : Infer and interpret the hidden message in the story
Answer the following questions:
1. What is a taniwha?
A Taniwha is a boat and a sea monster
2. Explain why Mr Blackadder was good at his job
because he’s good at fixing stuff and he can whistle a ball and comes down.Of the roof.
3. Describe what it was like in the boiler room
it like a dungeon and the pipes is like a maze.
Thursday, 21 May 2015
Wesley poplar solving
Walt: solve problems using multiplication and division strategies
Wednesday, 20 May 2015
Tuesday, 19 May 2015
Wesley Personification
WALT: give objects living characteristics
Wesley chocolate game
WALT: Recount our experience of the Chocolate Game
p1 Have you played a chocolate game before? Well,guess what room 8 played a chocolate gamed with Miss Lavakula.When Miss Lavakula told room 8 reading group to sit in a circle she grape a chocolate and she put the plate on the floor with a knife and fork. She got 6 items to wear for the game.
p2 This is how you play a chocolate game you have to roll a dice if it get up to 6 you need to wear 6 items then when you're finished.You have to cut a chocolate and eat the chocolate is your to late to eat the chocolate if the other person got a 6 is their turn to get dress up. You have to give people some to rolled the dice unit it get to 6.
p3 I was ‘frustrated’ because I didn't get to eat the chocolate because people rolled a six.That sucks that I don’t get to eat the chocolate because of the people keep rolling a six.Unit when it was my turn to the when I rolled the dice I got a five then I gave Adrian a turn.
p4. When I got a six I dashed and I was wearing a hat and a rabbit glass and the coconut cup. And unit Amethyst rolled a six then I have to take off the stuff that I was wearing.Then I was so disappointed that I don’t get to eat because it was saying ‘eat me eat me’.
p5. When the game was finished I felt really excited that we played a chocolate games.It was so fun I wish we could played again.
Monday, 11 May 2015
Walt: know my times tables.
5 × 3 = 15
9 × 2 = 18
8 × 2 = 16
11 × 2 = 22
10 × 5 = 50
11 × 5 = 55
2 × 5 = 10
2 × 9 = 18
5 × 12 = 60
2 × 1 = 2
1 × 2 = 2
2 × 2 = 4
2 × 10 = 20
8 × 5 = 40
4 × 5 = 20
2 × 4 = 8
5 × 4 = 20
9 × 5 = 45
6 × 5 = 30
2 × 7 = 28
Anzac day
WALT: Read and explain what a Dawn Parade is
Answer the following questions:
1. Explain what a Dawn Parade is
it a parade that people died in world war one
2. Why are Dawn Parade’s important?
because people have to remember the who died
3. List three things that take place and happen at the Dawn Parade
the memorial,solemn,karakia.
this is a Anzac day for people who died.
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